The DELTA Future Faculty Institute is designed to prepare current graduate-level students and individuals in industry to apply and interview for a faculty position and successfully launch their career as an engineering faculty member.
Type: Instructor-Led Course
Delivery Method: Live Online
Level: Foundational
Duration: 4 hours
ASEE Member: $300
Non-member: $350
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Program Overview
The DELTA Future Faculty Institute is a foundational, instructor-led, online program to prepare current graduate-level students and individuals in industry who are considering a career as an engineering faculty member for a successful launch of their career.
Throughout the program, future engineering faculty members will learn about preparing for and navigating the faculty application process. By the end of this program, participants will have the tools and knowledge to positively launch their faculty careers.
This program takes place in two (2) two-hour- long sessions. Throughout the program, there will be numerous opportunities to interact with the facilitator and other participants, with ample time provided for questions, discussion, and reflection.
How You Will Benefit
• You will receive clarifying information on types of engineering faculty positions.
• You will learn tools and techniques to help you successfully navigate the faculty application process.
• You will engage with a network of professionals for input, guidance and feedback.
Intended Audience
This program is intended for current graduate-level students, doctoral students, postdocs, and individuals in industry who are considering launching a career as an engineering faculty member at a two-year or four-year institution.
About the DELTA (∆) Institutes
The DELTA (∆) Institutes are designed to develop engineering and engineering technology faculty and administrators as change agents for 1) the ongoing transformation of higher education and 2) the transformation in engineering education, research, and community engagement necessary to address the NAE Grand Challenges and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Through the inclusion of leading-edge knowledge and best practices in professional development for faculty and administrators, the DELTA (∆) Institutes will improve efficiency and effectiveness for each participant and thus also do so broadly across the universities they serve.
Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the DELTA Future Faculty Institute will be able to:
- Categorize types of faculty positions
- Categorize different types of institutions of higher education
- Prepare documentation materials and prioritize current activities
- Prepare for the application, interview and start-up process
- Practice an interview experience with a network of peer colleagues
Session I: Categorizing Engineering Faculty Positions (LO 1,2,3)
• Introductions – descriptions of graduate-level students and degree completion status
• Categorizing institutions
• Categorizing types of faculty positions
• Tenure-track Basics: Teaching, Research and Service
• Unique requirements of institutions related to tenure-track, non-tenure-track, and administrative positions
• Alternative paths before transitioning to academia
• Preparing documentation materials and prioritizing current activities to achieve individual goals
Session II: Preparing for the Application Process & Getting Started (LO 4)
• Applying for a Faculty position
• Preparing application materials including CV, teaching and research statement
• Negotiating salary, benefits and start-up packages
• Contrasting a faculty position with an industrial position
• Dual career considerations
• Online faculty positions
• Types of interview questions to expect
• Employment start-up and negotiation (i.e., teaching expectations; research funding, publishing, and scholarship; balancing service expectations)
• Role play an interview experience with fellow participants
Dr. Julie P. Martin has devoted her career to elevating the engineering education community and the people in it. Her research and leadership have focused on advancing representation and inclusion of historically marginalized groups in engineering and building capacity for engineering education research.
Dr. Martin is the Assistant Vice President for Talent & Team development in OSU’s Office of Knowledge Enterprise, is a Fellow of ASEE, and was a 2009 National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER awardee. She is editor-in-chief of the Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, where her vision for the journal is to change the culture of academic publishing to one of constructive—not destructive—feedback and peer review.
Prior to joining the faculty at OSU in 2019, Dr. Martin was an NSF program director in the Engineering Education and Centers Division (Directorate for Engineering), where she managed the engineering education portfolio of about 250 active awards. Her favorite part of this role was helping principal investigators navigate the proposal preparation and grant management processes. While at NSF, she worked on an interagency group headed by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to write the 5-Year STEM Education Strategic Plan for the federal government. Since returning to academia, she has worked to demystify NSF processes for the engineering education community, has mentored numerous faculty in preparation of NSF CAREER proposals, and has helped graduate students develop strong proposal writing skills.
Dr. Martin has developed and taught doctoral-level courses related to academic career preparation at Clemson University and Ohio State focused on developing a career vision and aligning scholarship, teaching, and service with that vision. She is a past winner of the university-wide Excellence in Mentoring Award given by the Clemson University Graduate Student Government.
Dr. Martin has held a variety of national leadership positions in ASEE and Women in Engineering ProActive Network (WEPAN) over the last 20 years, including President of WEPAN. She has been recognized by both organizations for her distinguished service related to capacity building and diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Dr. Martin holds a BS and PhD degrees in Materials Science and Engineering from North Carolina State University and Virginia Tech, respectively.
Requirements and Resources
Pre-Work: You will provide information on the current status of completing your degree.
Inter-session Work: You will be asked to gather materials that will become part of your faculty application package and assist you during interview for faculty positions.
Supplemental Resources: You will be provided with (1) a participant guide, (2) presentation slides, and (3) workshop recordings.
Attendance and Completion
Full and active participation will enhance the learning experience for all participants. At the end of the program, you will receive a certificate of completion via email. Professional development hours (PDH) will be provided upon request.
Terms and Policies
• Cancellation Policy
• Recording and Privacy Policy
If you have questions, please contact