Distinguished Lecture: Dr. Maria Klawe

Dr. Maria Klawe: Twists and Turns: Lessons from a Transformational Leader

Dr. Maria Klawe will talk us through the twists and turns of her life that brought her into STEM, into a successful career at IBM, and finally to become the first woman to lead Harvey Mudd College. She will share the lessons she has learned in the process, and offer advice to others who aspire to making a transformative impact in their field.

Type: Distinguished Lecture

Delivery Method: On Demand

Duration: 1 hour

Dates & Times

On Demand


ASEE Members: Free
Non-members: Free

About the Distinguished Lecture Series

ASEE is pleased to announce the launch of its Distinguished Lecture Series thanks to a generous donation from Chevron. Each lecture will feature pioneers who have overcome challenges to make significant impact. These stories will provide engaging reflections, insights and lessons learned from distinguished role models in STEM.