Explore ASEE’s portfolio of live online workshops and courses. Embark on your learning journey today!

Leveraging Generative AI to Optimize Research, Teaching, and Learning
This micro course will explore best practices and applicable strategies for utilizing Generative AI (GenAI) to optimize engineering education research and engineering teaching and learning.

DELTA Junior Faculty Institute
This course is designed to prepare early-stage faculty members to integrate their scholarship, teaching, and service to advance their careers in alignment with personal goals and institutional and disciplinary expectations.

Fostering Student Entrepreneurial Mindset with Generative AI
This micro course will address how educators can scaffold learners’ strategic use of Generative AI (GenAI) in a manner that fosters entrepreneurial mindset and share practical examples of classroom activities that position GenAI as a valuable tool, merging its capabilities with students’ creativity to maximize impact.

Beginners’ Guide to Designing Research Questions for Qualitative and Quantitative Studies
This workshop is designed to provide faculty and administrators with the knowledge and tools to design qualitative and quantitative research studies that can answer meaningful questions related to engineering education.

Promoting the Ethical Use of Generative AI in Education
This micro course will discuss three major concerns in Generative AI (GenAI) use in education, share questions and approaches to address these ethical considerations by adopting five principles of AI ethics, and explore the development of a classroom AI use policy as one governance mechanism for promoting ethical use of AI.

Essentials of Effective Manuscript Preparation
This course is designed to prepare participants to craft and submit engineering education manuscripts to peer-reviewed journal venues.
Upcoming Dates
June 21, 2025 – In-Person, at the 2025 ASEE Annual Conference
9AM – 3PM, Local Time
July 9 & 23, 2025 – Virtual
1PM – 3PM, ET

DELTA New Faculty Institute
This course is designed to prepare new engineering faculty members establish their classrooms and navigate the teaching, scholarship and service responsibilities of their faculty position, university, and discipline, while effectively preparing engineering leaders of tomorrow.

DELTA New Department Leaders Institute
This course is designed to provide new department chairs with the knowledge and tools needed to positively launch and navigate this leadership role.

Essentials of Effective Proposal Preparation
This course is designed to prepare participants to craft and submit an education-oriented grant proposal for NSF and enhance their understanding of strategies for developing more effective proposals.

Essentials of Inclusive Classrooms
This course is designed to prepare participants to create inclusive spaces and equitable outcomes for their students and to enhance their understanding of strategies for developing and implementing course materials and teaching strategies that are more accessible, inclusive, and effective for all students.

Replacing Implicit Bias: Recognize, Reconsider, & Respond
This workshop is designed to provide educators, administrators, and staff with the knowledge and tools to recognize common expressions of bias in academic settings and interrupt biases when they occur.

Deliberate Curriculum: Designing Curricular Modules for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Belonging
This workshop is designed to guide participants through creation of curriculum that incorporates DEIJB components to help build a more safe, welcoming, and inclusive learning environment for students.

DELTA Future Faculty Institute
This course is designed to prepare current graduate-level students and individuals in industry navigate the faculty application process and positively launch their career as a new engineering faculty member.

Essentials of Effective Instruction
This course is designed to provide engineering and STEM educators with the knowledge and tools needed to apply evidence-based instructional strategies in their classrooms that foster enhanced student learning and success.